Show and tell Omar’s Garden

Show and Tell

Omar’s Garden

The Ant’s live off the land and grow all their own vegetables in their camp.

Omar has set up a great vegetable garden and the Ant’s grow all sorts of vege’s like turnips, silverbeet, carrots, beetroot, pumpkins and tomatoes.

The garden was established before filming even started. The art department who make all the sets were out in the garden digging it over and planting new seedlings a few weeks before shooting started.

Over the weeks the vegetables grew so that when filming started everything was looking very lush and ready to pick!

There were a few hiccups along the way. After one weekend we found that rabbits had got into the garden and nibbled back all the tops of the plants! So the Art Department got back in there and kept it free from weeds and planted everything again.

Sometimes things aren’t ready for picking and there are a lot of props used. The Art Department will buy a large amount of fresh vegetables and sometimes these will be used instead of using the ones in the garden.

In the first couple of episodes Omar made a little present for Sal. Sal loves her little piglet named Star and is always reminding Omar that turnips are horrid! Star and Sal both hate turnips!

Omar was keeping his present a secret from her but one night as they sat down for supper he put it on the table for her. He had carved her a little pig from a huge turnip.

It was very cute and the inside was hollow so that when he put it down on the table over a little candle it glowed!

Sal loved it!