Episode 12

Episode Guide 

The New Tomorrow – Episode 12

The storm has abated. In the Ant camp, damaged by the rampaging machine, eggs are an issue as the hens have run off. SAL is placed in charge of keeping them warm in the hopes that they will still hatch. LEANNE and ERIN are asked to help too.

SKY goes off to track down the machine that entered the Ant camp during the storm. OMAR goes with him. They find it apparently dead but it comes to life.

When the tribes – except for JAG – meet to discuss their fears, FAYGAR and SKY cannot reassure them.

DAN suggests that GWYN becomes a Barb and ZORA is happy to accept her, though JAG is not happy about it. Nor is GWYN herself. She’s not cut out to be a Barb. FLAME wants her to befriend SKY. SKY and GWYN spend some time together. As they talk he tells her he’s looking for his family.

SKY discusses BRAY & ZOOT with ZORA and learns that ZOOT had a son. JAG blames SKY for the recent troubles and says he is bad luck.

SHADOW and HARMONY spy on each other for FLAME and after they report to him, he prepares punishments for each of them.

The Barbs and Ants prepare a banquet to bring everyone together. A special Ant treat is not a success and everyone learns that the twenty eggs have been reduced to twelve.

SKY leaves the party, upset at what he’s heard from ZORA and JAG and refuses to speak with DAN.