Episode 19

Episode Guide 

The New Tomorrow – Episode 19

The Ants and Barbs prepare for the pass ball game with the Privs. Kwarli has them training hard but Erin doesn’t want to. He fakes a sore leg but Kwarli knows Erin is lying. Dan is set free to play. Sal reassures her chick, Happy, and discusses Happy’s birthday and the pass ball game with Cass. The practice game starts and Erin uses his skill at the game to get use of the bike.

Harmony and Shadow are unhappy that Flame has agreed to play against the Ants and Barbs, because they believe the Ants and Barbs are ready to surrender. Flame says he’ll join the Ants and Barbs if the Privs lose.

Shadow is still upset that Flame broke the warrior code by treating Sky badly before their fight. Harmony taunts Shadow and checks out whether he’s going to challenge Flame. Then she warns Flame that Shadow may be untrustworthy, and claims that Flame will never have to worry about her – she’s as loyal as they come. She and Flame agree that the Privs are best and bound to win against the Ants and Barbs, and to continue to rule.

Faygar, Gwyn and Sky discuss the rumours about Sky being a descendant of Zoot, and Gwyn’s treachery. Gwyn is still upset that Dan stayed with the Ants and Barbs. Sky and Gwyn also talk about Dan and Flame, and accuse each other of causing harm.

Talking with Faygar, Sky defends Gwyn, pointing out that he and Faygar are prisoners because of the Privs. He and Faygar talk about the machines, the legends and the cave drawings. Sky vows he’ll get to the bottom of the whole mystery but Faygar reminds him he can’t do that if he’s a discard.

Everyone gathers for the game. Harmony takes Sky, Faygar and Gwyn. Flame gets Sky to play but takes him off when Sky tries to sabotage the Priv side.

The Privs are winning but then Dan is substituted for Erin. Erin scores a few goals and the Ants and Barbs win. Reminding Flame that he said he’d join the Ants and Barbs if the Privs lost, Harmony takes over the Privs.

Meanwhile, back at the Ant camp, a stranger arrives