Episode 8

Episode Guide

The New Tomorrow – Episode 8

At the Ants camp FAYGAR reassures OMAR that bringing the tribes together will work out. ZORA tries to do the same with JAG at the Barbs camp. SKY tells ZORA that he thinks FLAME will back off now the tribes have united and if he doesn’t “We’ll have to fight”.

DAN is helping out with his new Barb duties and is picking mushrooms in the forest with LEANNE. He wanders into the forbidden zone not listening to LEANNE’S warnings and finds a pony trapped in some vines.

In FLAME’s lair he is feeding SHADOW his finest food. FLAME persuades SHADOW to take the blame for the failed raid and then publicly humiliates him in front of the Privs. He then offers him a reward for accepting the blame, once he’s hunted down SKY and beaten the Ants and Barbs.

The Ants and Barbs get to know each other. JAG and SKY share their fighting skills with the Ants. CASS shows KWARLI and ERIN the hen pen and how they gather their eggs and KWARLI shows the Ants how to irrigate their fields. SAL gives ERIN his first taste of milk and teaches him how to milk a goat.

DAN and LEANNE manage to untangle the pony and lead it back to the Barbs camp.

GWYN tells FLAME she’s glad he’s all right after the raid. He’s not impressed that the Privs have been talking about him. HARMONY wanders in and reminds GWYN that she had better not get too close to FLAME or she’ll be sent back to the Discards.

A group of Warps visit SHADOW, offering to support him against FLAME, but SHADOW sends them away, almost sure that FLAME’S offer of a reward is genuine. HARMONY tells FLAME that she has an idea for beating the Ants and Barbs.

Just as it seems the Barbs and Ants are working well together, JAG and OMAR come to blows and SKY suggests having a contest to decide who will lead the combined tribes.

DAN questions SKY as he seems worried. SKY tells DAN about the drawings he found in the cave. SKY draws his amulet in the sand and asks DAN if he is familiar with it. DAN hasn’t seen it before.

When they leave, an unknown person studies the drawing and erases it.